Immaculate Conception from the very beginning
Chaire, kecharitomene, ho kyrios meta sou...
Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum...
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you...
I just thought of this: If the holy name of God "Jesus" means, "Yahweh saves" or "God saves", and this Son of the Most High is the Eternal Wisdom of God, would not it be nice to save your to-be human mother Mary from any stain of original sin? If God in His Eternal Wisdom thought that this to-be mother of Him is a human being, for sure in the Old Testament, I am very sure that In God's words, God really saved the Blessed Virgin Mary from original sin from the very beginning of her conception in St. Anne's womb. For if the idea of God of course occur in His Eternal Wisdom that will be the Incarnate Wisdom, this to-be mother of the Incarnate Wisdom must, right from the start of her conception, be saved from the touch of original sin. Why God must do that? Because "God could do it, it was appropriate, therefore He did it." Not only she saved His to-be mother from the touch of original sin, God's salvation came to her from His Eternal Wisdom that eternally thought Her, from the very beginning, from the very beginning of all existing created things. If she, Mary, is the full of grace, is not it the one who made her full of grace is God alone and from the very beginning of all existing created things Mary was made full of grace in the Eternal Wisdom of God right from the very beginning of all things? Therefore, Mary is the most brilliant created thing that ever existed. Not the angels. Nor us humans. Nor even galaxies. Nor even this earth. It is Mary alone. It is Mary, from the very beginning. Although Mary is not God, she already existed, even in God's Eternal Wisdom. How special Mary is!
"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
"Jesus, I trust in You" "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee"
"St. Dominic encountered heretics on his way to France. In his opinion was that the people were not to blame - the preachers were. If there are good, orthodox preachers, then the people will be good and orthodox also. So, he founded the Ordo Praedicatorum - Order of the Preachers...."
Mary H. Distributist
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