Ad Jesum per Mariam

Ad Jesum per Mariam
...if you genuinely wish to reach a high level of prayer in all honesty and without falling into the traps that the devil sets for those who pray, SAY your Rosary everyday... St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort

Sunday, December 15, 2013


First, it is very mysterious that St. Elizabeth knew, without given knowledge beforehand, that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of God and the person she carries in her womb is God. Mama Mary’s every word that comes from her mouth indeed contains Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit who is in St. John and who filled St. Elizabeth is the Spirit that recognizes the Mother of God and the Son of the Most High faster than the speed of light. St. John’s jumping for joy the moment he heard Mama Mary’s greeting is a sure sign that the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ is inseparable to one another and Mary is indeed the cause of our joy. This is also a great proof for us that Mama Mary is our Co – Redemptrix for this is the honor she got from St. John the Baptist. St. John jumped for joy for “God is with us” and Jesus whose name means “God saves” can be heard in Mary’s words. For every word that comes from the Blessed Virgin’s mouth proclaims “God is with us” and “God saves”. Mary’s Advent and words that St. John heard and caused him to jump for joy, says “Redemption is here!” and “God is with us!” We had been redeemed through Mama Mary who carried the God who will redeem us in her womb. Indeed, the Blessed Virgin Mary is our Co – Redemptrix.

Second, those persons who have the Holy Spirit in themselves honors and blesses the Mother of God and God Himself. For those who do not honor nor bless the Mother of God but honors and blesses Jesus Christ do not have the Holy Spirit in themselves. A man who has the Holy Spirit in him blesses, honors, and loves the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Mary H. Distributist

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