Ad Jesum per Mariam

Ad Jesum per Mariam
...if you genuinely wish to reach a high level of prayer in all honesty and without falling into the traps that the devil sets for those who pray, SAY your Rosary everyday... St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


The Coming Persecutions (Luke 21:12-19)

The Proclamation of the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke

[12] But before all these things, they will lay their hands upon you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and into prisons, dragging you before kings and governors, for my name' s sake. [13] And it shall happen unto you for a testimony.[14] Lay it up therefore into your hearts, not to meditate before how you shall answer: [15] For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to resist and gainsay.
[16] And you shall be betrayed by your parents and brethren, and kinsmen and friends; and some of you they will put to death. [17] And you shall be hated by all men for my name' s sake. [18] But a hair of your head shall not perish. [19] In your patience you shall possess your souls.
The Gospel of the Lord

Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

MEDITATION: The Gospel for this Wednesday tells us about the persecutions we will face before we see the signs, and the destruction of the Temple that was foretold by Jesus Christ. Our Lord tells us that we will be handed over to governments and rulers because of the Lord’s name which will be the “culprit” why we are being persecuted. But our Jesus Christ advices us that we must remember that we are not going to prepare a defense and on giving testimony before them for our Lord Jesus Christ assures us solidly that He Himself will give us wisdom in speaking that all of our enemies will be powerless to resist or refute. In the first reading today (Daniel 5:1-28), Daniel was in service for king Belshazzar who is the son of Daniel’s former boss, king Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel was brought before the king but not to defend himself, but to be used to interpret the words on the wall written by fingers of a human hand that writes alone and just itself! That is frightening which left the king and his company in confusion where even his people of extraordinary powers such as enchanters had no means to interpret the words written. But when Daniel who has the Holy Spirit in him was brought in, he gave the meaning and interpretation of these words. Now, let us remember that it is not Daniel just by himself who speaks but the Holy Spirit that is in him that made him to be known for his brilliant knowledge and god-like wisdom for without the Holy Spirit, Daniel is nothing by himself.

The sad and disturbing thing here is even our parents, brothers, relatives, and friends – all of our closest neighbors, will be the one who will hand us over to the persecutors and some of us to death. We will all be despised because of Jesus Christ’s name, but do not worry for God fully knows us that even all of our hairs on our head are numbered and, if it is so, then God’s knowledge of us His servants and handmaids will never be destroyed. By our perseverance until the end for God, we will secure our lives but not because we are saving ourselves, but because we lose our lives for God’s sake thus saving our lives.

In the end, our persecutors, all of them, will taste death that God reserved for them. Like king Belshazzar who desecrated the sacred vessels of the Lord, who became arrogant of heart despite the fact that he knew what is good and what is bad, who rebelled against the Lord of heaven, who praised the gods who were not really gods at all making himself an idol worshipper, who did not glorified the Only One God that must be rendered glory for He Himself is the Only One who deserves glorification; God sent a message for all of them that will make their face pale, their thoughts will terrify them, their hip joints will be shaken, and their knees will be knocked. For God says MENE, TEKEL, PERES to them which means:

“MENE, God has numbered the reign of your evilness and put an end to it; TEKEL, you have been weighed on the scales and found insufficient; PERES, you of evilness, your body and soul together has been divided for Satan and his demons into the eternal damnation.”

So that will be the fate of all of our evil persecutors.

Truly, truly the words of the Blessed Virgin Mary in her only recorded Canticle fits our first reading and the Gospel for today (Luke 1:46-55) :

[46] And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. [47] And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. [48] Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed[49] Because he that is mighty, hath done great things to me; and holy is his name. [50] And his mercy is from generation unto generations, to them that fear him. [51] He hath showed might in his arm: he hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. [52]He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble. [53] He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. [54] He hath received Israel his servant, being mindful of his mercy: [55] As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed for ever.

 Let us pray this Magnificat of our Queen and Mother Mary for in her, we will secure our lives.

Here are some points to consider:

1 We must let the Holy Spirit live and act in us.

2. Let us trust God that He will send the Holy Spirit in us that will speak for us against our enemies and persecutors.

3. Let us live the righteousness that Queen Mary said in her Magnificat.

4. Let us not imitate king Belshazzar but let us imitate Mama Mary.

5. We must always remember that, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

6. Contemplare et contemplata aliis tradere

7. Laudare, Benedicere, Praedicare


“Jesus, I trust in You.” “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”

To the greater glory of God!

Mary H. Distributist

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